Rieva Lesonsky

Rieva Lesonsky is CEO of GrowBiz Media, a custom content and media company focusing on small business and entrepreneurship, and the blog SmallBizDaily.com. She’s a nationally known speaker, best-selling author, and authority on entrepreneurship, and for more than 30 years, she was the long-time Editorial Director of Entrepreneur magazine.

What to Expect When Selling Your Business

Maybe your end game has always been focused on selling your business. Or is the pace of running a business becoming too much, and you’re ready to slow down and retire? Perhaps you have a new business idea and you want to sell your business to pursue (and finance)...

businessman with clipboard at warehouse

How to Become a Virtual Bookkeeper

Coming from the corporate world, leasing office space seemed like the obvious choice when I started my own company. But after 18 months of commuting to an office and paying rent and other overhead expenses, my two partners and I realized the cost—and time—savings...

glückliche angestellte im büro

Five Side Hustle Options for Single Moms

Throughout my career, I’ve managed all kinds of people with all kinds of living situations. Out of all my employees, I’d have to say single moms are among the hardest working and most dedicated — no matter what life challenges are thrown at them. Making enough...

Side view of charming young stylish mother holding in hands and a cute baby sitting at the desk on white wall background. Place for advertising

Don’t Let Poor Accounting Firm Management Stifle Your Growth

What barriers to business growth is your accounting firm facing? Although the answers to that question might vary from industry to industry, I’m sure most boil down to similar sentiments. I know in my business, bandwidth can be a barrier to growth—but not bandwidth...

plant growing out of coins with filter effect retro vintage style

Accounting Franchises: Are They Really Worth the Money?

Traditionally, when you think about starting an accounting business, you envision building the business from scratch and all that entails—doing market research, financing your startup, differentiating your business in the marketplace, etc. But there’s another...


How to Apply for a Trademark Application

Every now and then a trademark application case hits the headlines that makes you cringe at its arrogance (Apple’s fight to stop any sort of apple symbol being used in a logo) or just makes you laugh (Taylor Swift attempting to trademark the phrase “this sick...

Trademark and Copyright Symbols

CPA Burnout is Real: Take These 5 Steps to Push Through

Are you distancing yourself from relationships, feeling a loss of personal accomplishment or just overall suffering from emotional exhaustion? You could be on the dangerous road to CPA burnout. Whether your accounting firm is just starting out or growing by leaps...


Five Ways to Optimize Your Accounting Firm Operations

If you’re like most entrepreneurs, you frequently get the urge to change the way you do things and replace them with new systems and fresh ideas. After all, spring is the time for new beginnings, and your accounting firm operations could probably use a bit of a...

Linked Cogwheels for Optimization

Small Business Tax Advice and Survival Guide

Tax season comes to all businesses big and small, and can be a headache no matter how well you think you’ve prepared. For a small business owner wearing many (or all) hats in the business, it’s an unwelcome extra task sure to cause late hours and frayed nerves. To...

Confident Shop Assistant Focused on Work

Creating Your Own Business and Loving What You Do!

The entrepreneurs you read about or see on TV may seem like overnight successes—but in reality, creating your own business doesn’t happen overnight. Behind every successful business idea, months (or even years) of thought and planning have gone into launching it....

Man Holding Open Sign

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