Ongoing Management and Protection

CorpNet’s blog posts offer a wealth of information for navigating through the ongoing management and protection of startup and business operations. Our articles are written by industry experts who have the experience to help you avoid common and unnecessary mistakes.

Trademarks vs. Copyrights vs. Patents

From your company logo to your trade secrets, your business’s intellectual property has value. That’s why it’s important to take measures to protect it. What are the various types of intellectual property and how can business owners’ safeguard them?  Here’s a...

Trademark and Copyright Icons in Vending Machine

What Is a Trademark?

Now that you’ve started your business, it’s time to protect its name. After all, your business name is — and will continue to be — one of the most crucial branding assets you possess. So, how do entrepreneurs protect that critical element from being infringed upon...

Trademark written in wooden cubes

How to Prepare Your Small Business for a Recession

Is a recession on the way? While some economic experts believe a recession is on the way, others, such as the National Retail Federation (NRF), think that although the economy is slowing, consumers are financially healthy and a recession is unlikely in 2022. And...

Crumbled Dollar Bill

10 Ways to Take Care of Your Kids and Your Business This Summer

School’s out! Chances are your kids are celebrating right now because weeks of summer vacation beckon. But, if you’re starting a business or running a business, and you have school-aged children, you’re likely feeling a little conflicted. Entrepreneurs like me, and...

Kids Swimming in Pool

Virtual Companies and Nexus: What Small Businesses Need to Know

Over the last two years, many businesses have chosen to go virtual, either temporarily or on a permanent basis. But that decision can impact the business’s nexus status. Companies with remote employees in other states may also need to register for foreign...

Virtual Employee on Conference Call

Paycheck Protection Program Loan Checklist

The SBA’s Paycheck Protection Program is an amazing opportunity for small businesses. It provides a 100% forgivable loan to cover payroll, rent, and utilities. The United States government has moved swiftly to get this program funded and operational. And in some...

PPP Loan Checklist on Desk

What You Should Know About Delaware Annual Reports and Annual Tax

Business entities in the state of Delaware have various reports and filings they must submit to the Delaware Division of Corporations each year. Delaware Limited Liability Companies don’t have to file an annual report, but they do have to file to pay an Annual Tax...

Welcome to Delaware Sign

Does Being an LLC or Corporation Help Build Business Credit?

Establishing healthy business credit is essential to ensure a company can thrive and grow. If an entrepreneur doesn’t take measures to establish credit in their business name, they may miss out on opportunities and even pay more than they have to for goods and...

Credit Report on Desk

Filing Annual Meeting Minutes Before Year End

Depending on a business’s entity type and the state it’s registered in, its owners may be required to hold annual meetings and record minutes from those meetings. But how do you know if that requirement applies to your company? In this article, I'm going to explain...

Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors

What You Need to Know About Work From Home Tax Deductions

According to Global Workplace Analytics, 25-30% of the workforce will be working from home multiple days a week by the end of 2021. Already a trend before the pandemic, remote working became the “new normal” for businesses of all sizes struggling to stay afloat...

Tax Form iPad Calculator

What You Need to Know About the Qualified Business Income Deduction

Tax considerations are a significant factor in how entrepreneurs structure their businesses. The qualified business income deduction (or QBI tax deduction) is an important tax deduction that allows eligible businesses to deduct up to 20% of their qualified business...

Man Cutting Tax With Scissors

How to Draft Meeting Minutes in the New Year

Along with other annual business compliance responsibilities, corporations (and sometimes LLCs) must hold various meetings and record minutes from those meetings. With the new year ahead, new entrepreneurs and existing business owners need to make sure they...

Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors

What Are Like-Kind Exchanges?

If you’re a property owner, you probably know how a like-kind exchange works, but in case the term is new to you, here’s what you need to know. According to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), a like-kind exchange (also called a 1031 exchange) is: When you exchange...

Two Houses on Money With Exchange Arrows

Why You Should Keep Business and Personal Finances Separate

There’s a lot of misinformation out there about keeping business and personal finances separate. Truthfully, most entrepreneurs tap into their personal savings to start their businesses, so opening separate bank accounts isn’t their top priority when there are so...

Woman Using ATM

What Is an Annual Franchise Tax Report?

Not all, but some states require business entities to file an annual report and pay a franchise tax each year. While the name suggests that a franchise tax report might only apply to businesses that are franchises, that’s not the case! A franchise tax is a fee that...

Money Bag and Calendar

How to Reinstate a Revoked 501(c)(3) Status

As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, an organization does not have to pay federal income tax on its profits related to its business purpose. That’s an important advantage as it allows organizations to keep more of their profits and use them to further their causes. However,...

Rejected Paperwork With Large Red X

How Should Real Estate Investors Structure Their Businesses?

Owning investment properties can be exciting and lucrative. However, investments in real estate, whether vacation rentals, long-term rentals, or properties for resale, can also create liabilities. That's why it's critical for real estate investors to wisely choose...

Mini Houses on Stacks of Coins

What California’s AB 5 Means for the Gig Economy

In 2020, the hot topic is California’s Assembly Bill 5, often called the “Gig Economy Bill.” This is because AB 5 makes it difficult to be an independent contractor in California. Before we examine AB 5 in detail, let’s understand why California legislators passed...

Man in Suit Driving Business Woman in Car

Florida Annual Report Deadline Extended Due to Coronavirus

Normally, at this time of year, you might find yourself scrambling to file your Florida annual report by the May 1st deadline. A business’s annual report confirms or updates a company’s information in the Florida Division of Corporations' records. The State...

Florida Written in Sand

How to Calculate Your Payroll Protection Program Loan Amount

To help small businesses keep their business going and their staff employed, the federal government passed the CARES Act, which is administered by the Small Business Administration (SBA).  One of the most useful parts of the CARES Act is the Paycheck Protection...

SBA PPP Loan Logos

Don’t Lock Your Credit if You’re Applying for a CARES Act Loan

I'd like to do a very quick public service announcement to alert you of something that can turn into a pretty big mistake. Things are moving so quickly with the CARES Act and Coronavirus relief that I almost didn't catch it myself. If you've locked your credit...

Announcement Via Megaphone

What Government Loan Program Should You Apply For?

Can’t decide whether you should apply for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan from the SBA or the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) from the U.S. Treasury? Truth be told, many of your fellow small business owners have already turned in their applications...

PPP vs EIDL Loans

COVID-19 Relief Funding Alternatives

As of April 16, 2020, the SBA announced all appropriations for the Paycheck Protection Program and the Economic Injury Disaster Loan were exhausted. Small business owners are now in need of COVID-19 relief funding alternatives. Below is a list of some COVID-19...

United States Treasury Stimulus Check

LLC-5 and the California Foreign Limited Liability Company

What is an LLC-5? The LLC-5 is a California State form used when a domestic limited liability company formed in another state (or country) wishes to become a foreign limited liability company in California.  The official name of Form LLC-5 is “Application to...

LLC Letters Built Out of Cubes

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