The Launch Blog: Expert Advice from the CorpNet Team

The Startup Business Plan: Why It’s Important and How You Can Create One

I think it’s safe to say that nearly all business experts agree that all entrepreneurs can benefit from having a business plan. Why is a business plan important for your startup?   According to a study by Palo Alto Software, entrepreneurs who have a business plan are about twice as likely to successfully grow their business, attract investors, and get loans than those who did not have one. What is it about a business plan that makes it such an essential ingredient for success? Let’s take a closer look! Why a Business Plan Is So Important We’ve all read the stories of million-dollar...

Business Plan Words With Red Upward Arrow

What are Articles of Incorporation?

If you’ve decided to establish your business as a corporation, you’ll need to fulfill your state’s requirements for registering your company. Among those requirements is filing an Articles of Incorporation (sometimes called Certificate of Incorporation) with the state government. Articles of Incorporation is a legal document containing important information about the company, and it must be approved by the Secretary of State office. Why Articles of Incorporation are Important Filing Articles of Incorporation registers the company as a C Corporation with the state. It makes the business a...

Document With Seal

Did You Overlook Trademarking Your Brand?

You probably didn’t come up with the perfect business or product name overnight. Most likely, you brainstormed. You sought the advice of colleagues and friends. You tested out a few options, and checked what domain names were available. In short, you’ve invested a lot of time to create and build the brand. How well are you protecting this valuable asset? Do you know if you’re legally allowed to use the name you picked, and what will prevent someone else from using the same name? Whether you just launched a business, have been running one for years, or are considering starting a new...

Trademark written in wooden cubes

Business Name Registration Or Trademark: Which Is Best?

One of the most valuable assets your business will ever have is its name. Your business name is more than what your company is called—it represents your brand’s identity and it’s a way for you to distinguish yourself from your competition. With your business name carrying that much weight, it makes sense to protect it. As you start your business, consider these two approaches to prevent other companies from using your name and confusing your customers: Business Name Registration If you form an LLC or apply to incorporate a business in a state, your business name is automatically protected...

Woman With Two Thought Bubbles, One With Business Name and One With Trademark

How to Apply for a Trademark Application

Every now and then a trademark application case hits the headlines that makes you cringe at its arrogance (Apple’s fight to stop any sort of apple symbol being used in a logo) or just makes you laugh (Taylor Swift attempting to trademark the phrase “this sick beat”). And then there’s the outright scary—Facebook wanting to stop any business name from using the word “face.” These are extreme examples, but because brand recognition plays such a vital role in today’s business world, companies have become very aggressive when it comes to protecting their names and identities. So, what are...

Trademark and Copyright Symbols

Back To Basics: The Difference Between Copyright and Trademark

As the kids are back to school and studying new things, it’s also a wonderful time to revisit some basic elements of business. Whether you’re starting a business or are already running your company, knowing the difference between a copyright and a trademark is one of the fundamental “must knows” every entrepreneur should understand. So, what is the difference between a copyright and a trademark? Let the learning begin! Copyright A Copyright protects works you’ve created, such as research, photos, blog posts, books, articles, music, art, website content, computer code, and other forms of...

Woman balancing copyright and trademark symbols

Trademark vs. Service Mark

Trademark vs. service mark? What's the difference? Both are issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office to distinguish a brand's products and services from those of other businesses. Trademarks distinguish a company's products, whereas a service mark relates to the services a company provides. Both fall under the category of intellectual property. Why Apply for a Trademark or Service Mark? When you're building a brand, it's important to differentiate yourself from your competition. Moreover, the last thing you want is for another company to hijack your company name or logo and...

Woman With Question Marks

What Does It Mean to Have Multiple Trademark Owners?

One of the many risks business owners face is one that rarely comes to mind—but could put your business in a dangerous position. We’re talking about trademark protection for your intellectual property. A trademark is a word, phrase, name, or symbol that identifies the source of a product or service and distinguishes it from competitors. You can trademark your company name, product names, logos, and taglines. Running a Business Without Trademark Protection Without the protection of a federally registered trademark: Your company or product name could be stolen. Without trademark ownership,...

Trademark written in wooden cubes

Filing an Intent to Use Trademark Application

Choosing the perfect business or brand name is only half the battle when starting a new venture. You need to protect that name from getting stolen or misused. But what if you haven’t started using the brand name yet? The good news is even if your website is still under construction and marketing materials are still at the printers, you can apply for protection with an intent to use trademark application. What is a Trademark? In its most basic definition, a trademark is a word, phrase, symbol, design, or combination of these elements identifying the source of a product or service. A...

Trademark Application Process on Laptop

Registered Business Name vs. Trademark

One of the first decisions new entrepreneurs make is “What should I name my business?” A lot of brand equity gets built around a business name, so it’s essential to protect that valuable marketing asset. During a presentation to accounting professionals, I discussed trademarks vs. registered business names and the differences in the protection and peace of mind they offer. I believe much of the information I shared may help you, too, as you explore your options for safeguarding your business name. Let's Start With Basic Definitions Business Name - A business name is just that. It’s the...

Woman With Two Thought Bubbles, One With Business Name and One With Trademark

How to Protect Your Brand with Trademarks

If you’ve incorporated your business or formed a limited liability company, you’ve taken critical first steps toward building a successful business. When registering your business, you’ve protected your company name from being used by competitors in the state the entity was formed. However, your business name remains open to the risk of similar companies in other states claiming the name and potentially other brand assets. Fortunately, you can further protect your brand with trademarks. An Overview of Trademark A trademark is a word, phrase, symbol, or design (or a combination of them)...

Registered Trademark Stamp

Trademarks vs. Copyrights vs. Patents

From your company logo to your trade secrets, your business’s intellectual property has value. That’s why it’s important to take measures to protect it. What are the various types of intellectual property and how can business owners’ safeguard them?  Here’s a primer on trademarks vs. copyrights vs. patents. Trademark Basics A trademark is a word, phrase, name, design, or symbol (or a combination of those elements) that identifies the source of a product or service. Its purpose is to distinguish a business and its products or services from competitors. Trademarks can be a company’s name,...

Trademark and Copyright Icons in Vending Machine

What Is a Trademark?

Now that you’ve started your business, it’s time to protect its name. After all, your business name is — and will continue to be — one of the most crucial branding assets you possess. So, how do entrepreneurs protect that critical element from being infringed upon locally and nationwide? Registering a trademark with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is a wonderful step to accomplish that. By registering for U.S. Federal Trademark protection, trademark owners are eligible for numerous benefits such as treble damages in some cases of infringement, the right to use the ®...

Trademark written in wooden cubes

CorpNet Awarded Inc. 5000 for 2022

CorpNet is proud to announce that it has made Inc.’s prestigious Inc. 5000 list in 2022 as one of the fastest-growing private companies in the country. This is the fifth year CorpNet has been honored and 2022 is the highest ranking to date. CorpNet's Inc. profile can be found at "It is a true honor to have our company,, named again on the Inc.5000 list! This is huge as our 2022 recognition secures us as our highest rank yet and I am beyond proud of the team behind us making this happen every day. We've all worked together to go above and...

Inc 5000 Award Featured Image

What is the Role of an Incorporator?

Starting a new C Corporation can be complicated and entails several legal, administrative, and administrative steps. Whether you’re starting the business on your own, with a partner, as part of a team, or converting your current business structure to a corporation, it’s crucial that you accurately follow the guidelines established for incorporating in your home state. For that reason, some new business owners decide to hire a third party, such as a professional business formation company, for the role of an incorporator. In simplest terms, the role of an incorporator is to prepare and...

Businessman Working at Desk and Talking on the Phone

What is the Role of an LLC Organizer?

Starting a new Limited Liability Company (LLC) can be complex, entailing several legal, administrative, and organizational steps. Whether you’re starting the business on your own, with a partner, as part of a team, or converting your current business structure to an LLC, it’s vital that you strictly follow the guidelines established for LLCs in your home state. For that reason, some new business owners decide to hire a third party, such as a professional business formation company, for the role of an LLC organizer. In simplest terms, the role of an LLC organizer is to prepare and file all...

Woman Working at Desk on Computer

Choosing the Best Business Structure for Your Industry

Entrepreneurs face many critical decisions as they launch their businesses. Among the most important is selecting the best business structure for their company. Because of the legal, financial, administrative, and operational implications of the entity chosen, business owners have many factors to consider. For instance, what is the best business structure for their industry and type of business? In this article, we’ll explore some of the things to keep in mind as you select an entity type for your new business. And I’ll offer some insight into which business structures might offer the...

Cartoon of Different Businesses on Street

Setting Up LLC Partnership Agreements

The Limited Liability Company (LLC) business structure is one of the most flexible and simple business entity types that entrepreneurs may choose. LLCs aren't usually required by states to have an LLC partnership agreement; however, it's something to consider–especially when an LLC will have multiple owners (a multi-member LLC). What Is an LLC Partnership Agreement? An LLC partnership agreement (also called an LLC Operating Agreement) lays the ground rules for operating a Limited Liability Company and protects the legal rights of its owners (called members). It’s written by the LLC’s...

Legal Document

Sole Proprietorship vs. LLC

Are you considering starting a business as a solo owner, or will you co-own the business with your spouse? Then, you may be wondering if operating as a sole proprietorship or a limited liability company (LLC) will be the better choice. Keep in mind that there are legal, financial, and tax-related implications when choosing a business structure. Therefore, I encourage you to get guidance from an attorney and a tax or accounting professional as you decide. When an individual (or married couple) starts a business, it is, by default, considered a sole proprietorship. Operating as a sole...

Business woman writing in planner

How to Prepare Your Small Business for a Recession

Is a recession on the way? While some economic experts believe a recession is on the way, others, such as the National Retail Federation (NRF), think that although the economy is slowing, consumers are financially healthy and a recession is unlikely in 2022. And the United States is still at nearly full employment. But the recent Small Business Recovery Report by Kabbage from American Express reveals that 83% of small business owners worry that a recession is indeed looming. However, the good news in the report is that 80% of entrepreneurs are optimistic and they believe their small...

Crumbled Dollar Bill

10 Strategies for Growing a Business

Uncertainty is not unfamiliar territory for business owners. However, these past few years have brought a significant amount of ups and downs to entrepreneurs everywhere and in nearly all industries. While some companies focused on their short-term goals, other businesses went all-in on securing long-term growth. Developing sound strategies for growing a business, executing those strategies, and streamlining processes are all part of the equation that makes a tremendous difference, whether in an environment of consistency vs. unpredictability and abundance vs. scarcity. Let’s take a look...

plant growing out of coins with filter effect retro vintage style

10 Ways to Take Care of Your Kids and Your Business This Summer

School’s out! Chances are your kids are celebrating right now because weeks of summer vacation beckon. But, if you’re starting a business or running a business, and you have school-aged children, you’re likely feeling a little conflicted. Entrepreneurs like me, and probably you, struggle a bit in the summer trying to balance our desire to be great business owners and great parents. While I love (and truthfully look forward to) having my kids at home during the summer months, I confess it’s getting increasingly harder to keep them occupied while I’m hard at work. I know this is a struggle...

Kids Swimming in Pool

Virtual Companies and Nexus: What Small Businesses Need to Know

Over the last two years, many businesses have chosen to go virtual, either temporarily or on a permanent basis. But that decision can impact the business’s nexus status. Companies with remote employees in other states may also need to register for foreign qualification, register for payroll taxes in those states, or they may need to start collecting sales tax from places they never have before. Business Compliance Consequences for Pivoting to a Virtual Company Many businesses have pivoted to a remote working model to keep employees safe and many may continue to do so for the foreseeable...

Virtual Employee on Conference Call

Setting Up a Corporation – Top FAQs

Happy November! We are excited to bring you another post in our monthly FAQ series! When starting a business, one of the first questions an entrepreneur must ask themselves is, "What entity type should I register?" Here at CorpNet, we are often asked to explain the differences between a C Corporation and an S Corporation, how to file a corporation, and even, "What is a corporation?" Top FAQs for Setting Up a Corporation What is a C Corporation? A C Corporation is a standard corporation. It is considered a separate entity from its owners. This means that the corporation is responsible for...

Question Marks

Paycheck Protection Program Loan Checklist

The SBA’s Paycheck Protection Program is an amazing opportunity for small businesses. It provides a 100% forgivable loan to cover payroll, rent, and utilities. The United States government has moved swiftly to get this program funded and operational. And in some cases, a little too quick for the average business owner to keep up with. Small business is the core of CorpNet and our service offering. We’d like to make sure we do everything we can to help business owners obtain PPP loan funds. To do this, we need to make sure you have everything you need to get you Paycheck Protection Program...

PPP Loan Checklist on Desk

What You Should Know About Delaware Annual Reports and Annual Tax

Business entities in the state of Delaware have various reports and filings they must submit to the Delaware Division of Corporations each year. Delaware Limited Liability Companies don’t have to file an annual report, but they do have to file to pay an Annual Tax each year by June 1. Businesses that are registered as a corporation in Delaware must file a Delaware Annual Report every year by March 1, and most must also pay a Franchise Tax fee yearly. These requirements apply whether a Delaware corporation operates in the state of Delaware or somewhere else. In this post, I’ll cover...

Welcome to Delaware Sign

Does Being an LLC or Corporation Help Build Business Credit?

Establishing healthy business credit is essential to ensure a company can thrive and grow. If an entrepreneur doesn’t take measures to establish credit in their business name, they may miss out on opportunities and even pay more than they have to for goods and services. Does a company’s business structure matter? Moreover, does being a Limited Liability Company (LLC) or corporation help build business credit? Absolutely! Operating as an LLC, S Corporation, or C Corporation is one of the most effective ways to begin establishing a credit record in the business name. That’s because those...

Credit Report on Desk

Meet the Driver and Doer Behind CorpNet: Nellie Akalp, Founder and CEO

Every person on the CorpNet team has contributed to our continued success. Our recently created series of videos features several of our team members to give you a glimpse of “who’s who” and their take on what they do and why they do it. In this post, we’re thrilled to introduce CorpNet Co-Founder Nellie Akalp and the video that features her. Who Is Nellie Akalp? Nellie loves educating and inspiring entrepreneurs and other business professionals. She finds her inspiration to do so through God and her family. Nellie’s husband, Phil, says that Nellie is the most passionate and committed...

Nellie Akalp Video Cover

Expanding a Small Business to Another State: What You Need to Know

Extending your small business’s presence across state lines can help your company reach new markets, grow revenue, and boost profits. But how do you expand a small business into another state? And what’s involved in operating a business in multiple states? There are some filing requirements to operate in other states legally and tax-related considerations that need attention. Of course, none of that should be taken lightly, so entrepreneurs should research the requirements of the state(s) where they want to conduct business. It’s also beneficial to consult an attorney and tax advisor or...

US Map of States With Connecting Dots

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